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hey i just wannted to know something, so i was messing/ scolling to the code to mabye fix some things that werent really logical and i came across some code named secrets, i dont really know what it was about bc my editor messed a bit with the code but i could read something like random numbers that are given away to manage tokens accounts usw. i did not know how to reach out to you so yeah, and also amazing game :)


Hey! Glad you liked our game and thank you for playing! On the secrets note, we don't really use user accounts or any authentication whatsoever. For starters we don't even use an internet connection anywhere in the code. Anyway thank you for your interest and concerns!


How do I get the game to run? Every time I attempt to run the game, windows claim I need a different app to run it. 


Hi! Thank you for downloading our game! In theory you shouldn't need any extra app to run the game. Can you give us more info about the error you're getting?

are you sure you opened the .exe file and not .py or .sh?

Excelente juego, la verdad es que los disfrute bastante y espero que salga alguna proxima actualización, tal vez como parte 2 o continuación, Gracias ;)

(1 edit) (+1)

I really liked this game, even though I'm not into this type of game. Me gusto que estuviese la opcion de español me daba lata leerlo en ingles y de repente me coci la cabeza para sacar los finales que me faltaban pero me la pase fenomenal


loved it. i really enjoyed the endings. can't wait to see more. 

AAA necesito saber a qué se dedica Hugo, que pasa con onna en la ruta de Hugo y más info de todo 😭

Igual el año nuevo te trae buenas noticias al respecto ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

I cant figure out the last ending lol


Thank you for playing our game!(≈ㅇᆽㅇ≈)♡
If you want you can check out this video by CrankyTemplar to check what ending you are missing:


Thank you so much for making this game, I loved the aspect of it being time based and not a how-fast-can-I-click kind of game. The visuals were amazing, and the png scares are REAL. Keep it up!

Wow, this game is very good. Very good art, well programmed, several endings, and although it is difficult for me to admit it... Hugo has made me doubt my heterosexuality 😂. I will look forward to future updates. My congratulations to the creators.

(2 edits) (+1)

Thank you for playing and for your kind words! We all have our confusion moments       ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). Follow us here or in our socials to not miss any updates!


I just started playing and as soon as I saw Hugo - I know what you mean.


I enjoyed the new endings!  Took me a little while to figure some of them out, hehe.


Como consigo los dos finales de abajo?

¡Hola Edy! Para obtener el 4º final tienes que dejar entrar a Hugo después de darle la toalla, sobrevivir la tormenta y hablar con él sin salir de casa. Para conseguir el 5º final tienes que hacer lo mismo pero debes llamar a emergencias para que ayuden a Onna antes de ir a hablar con Hugo.


I liked the update! It was a bit short, but I feel like it gave the game the closure it needed. Not going to spoil anything here, but it's worth unlocking all the endings :)

does anyone know when the update is being released or has it already been released 

Hi! Thank you for your interest in our game (₌ ꈍᆽꈍ₌) Tomorrow we will release the new update so stay tuned!
You can also check our social media @DeltaCatStudio to stay up to date!

thank you very much I’ll be waiting for it!

I'm looking foward to the update! Still can't download it, but I really want to try it! I love these kinds of game settings.

Just uploaded it!

Cool! i enjoyed this

Thank you for playing our game! Glad you liked it!! (₌இᆽஇ₌)/♡

youre welcome!


Not a huge fan of point in click but I really liked this! 


Thank you for playing our game! Glad you liked it!

loved the game, especially the how the game used the website. Hope to see how the next update expands upon game

Linux version doesn't seems to work, what can I do?

I really enjoyed it, thank you!

I really want to know how it ends, because you survive, so does hugo, but you just kinda leave Onna in a closet, so... yeah i kinda wanna save her


Hi! Thanks for playing our game! We're currently working on an update to improve/add more endings to the game so stay tunned!

Amazing game; the visuals are incredible, I love the choice of keeping the game greyscale for most of the game, really creates some striking images with the splashes of red. I had fun collecting all the endings, mainly because I wanted to see each infected form. 

Honestly, I really love Ray; he really wasn't very good at spreading the spores.

Great job on the game!

Deleted 1 year ago

depend on what you do. 
but the ending is clear right now, that this is not a good ending. which is a bit sad, when you do all just right and get the same end. 

The game was cool, but please, please please have it ask you to open a link. It opened in Internet Explorer, something I haven't opened in maybe 10 years and which has zero system security and could be very risky. Just give a clickable URL. Mozilla Firefox is my default web browser for everything, so I'm really not happy with I.E opening.

Anyways, is there a way to spoiler something? I wanted to know how many endings there are, because I think I got the "good one(?)" on my first try.

love the Emo vibe

Yooo, this is incredible! I loved this game, will there be a sequel or will this be the only one?


Hello! Glad you liked our game! We're working on an update to fix/add more content to this game and we're panning on releasing a new entry for the series!

Nice! I was a little sad with it just ending like that but having more content for an amazing game like this got me excited!


Glad you liked it! We're working on an update that will add more content to this game and we have plans on releasing a new entry to the series so stay tunned!

Do you guys need help with testing/proofreading by any chance?

I felt really touched with the presentation and the setting and I'd love to offer some help now that I have a few days off on my hands.

I'll definitely be looking foward to later releases.


I had a blast playing this game and the body horror was so good that it caught me off guard and I got a PNG jumpscare from one of the endings and no joke it made me fall to my floor panicking from my PC. 

Would I recommend? Yes hardcore yes because Im interested in the lore of it and I love the characters especially Ray which I tend to avoid.

Overall its a fun game and I played it multiple times just to see each ending.

(5 edits)

Came to check if others had issues with the girl. Every single answer turns her when going back to check the window (except for one, but it's a ruse as no third call ever comes). Can't seem to not get her to turn, but great game overall. Loved the ARG elements, sound design, and artwork.

Will just mention that laptop users should beware if they suffer from seizures. This game may constantly flash black screens every few seconds for you as it does for me. 

Hello! Thank you for playing our game! You have to check the computer at the start of the game to trigger the first call on time (this is an issue we're working on fixing for the next game's update). As for the flashing black screens, we haven't recieved any more commments reporting this issue, we'll make sure to check on it for the safety of our players!


Not bad. I honestly think it would have been better without the "romance" side plots as horror and romance usually aren't genres that work all that well mashed together unless you're reaaally careful about it. Besides that I saw a few issues with the whole concept, mainly because spores are like, really, really tiny, like way tinier than you probably realize and unless the characters are in a truly air-tight hermetically sealed enviroment that entire city would have been wiped out already, just keeping the doors and windows closed really isn't going to be enough to stop spores from getting in. Finally it's the ending kind leaves the player with blueballs, but I imagine it was probably a quick solution to meet the jam deadline, so I don't hold it against it too much, but overall it was a pretty fun story and I'd be interested in checking out some of your other work.


If anyone has links for the art and such it'd be much appreciated. Particularly onna


I really loved the characters, art and overall atmosphere in this game! It's amazing how well written interactions between characters in a situation of emergency can make you so invested into what's happening. Was very immersive to me!


This is so so interesting! I really love how this is set up, it's so cool and new 

(1 edit) (+2)


feels weird that the girl gets infected from me not talking to the guy at the door tho


Game was amazing but like everyone else I did find the ending a bit jarring.


I loved the art. I really thought that there was going to be a happy ending though.


Really too bad about the ending hm...but I wonder how the update is gonna change that


Really good art and plot. 


Amazing art.
Keep it up!


Thank you for playing!


It's very intresting VN that uses the elements of analog horror to it's advantage. And I mean really this is first time when I saw somebody actually making a hyper link in one of those.

In terms of story, it's kinda cliche but you had used it just as an background to decision making, which is also good by me.
Over all nice little game.

Thank you so much for your kind words!

(1 edit) (+2)

Ahaha when I got a popup that Internet Explorer has been discontinued and to use Microsoft Edge, I thought it was part of the horror show

First Spooktober game I played with an in-game video and webpage :) Liked the "time-based" gameplay.

Nothing more analog and vintage than internet explorer! Thank you so much for your kind words!

Deleted 1 year ago

Hello! Thank you so much for playing our game! You can avoid being killed by her if you get all 3 questions right. You can find the necessary information here:



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